Tuesday, April 11, 2017

04/11/17 - My CCR Pt.3

This is the link to my CCR (The real one, it uploaded, finally), and I am actually really glad that this was a requirement because it gave me a chance to explain everything I wanted to explain but the time was definitely a huge hit, I cut out so much it sounds a tad choppy at times but all in all it came out well. Hope you enjoy.

 Bonus Extended Edition in the description of the video

Until next time, this has been your tour guide to the wonderful journey of Mother Oh MineA Beauty in the making, signing off. (TBH, still not convinced on the name, see you next year!)

04/11/17 - My CCR Pt. 2

This is simply part one of the CCR that I cut and added part two at the end of the final CCR, but because my computer refuses to upload I'm posting this as a backup, so as explanation, this is what I filmed on my phone, so I just directly uploaded it to youtube through my Data, and had everyone in my house turn off WiFi.

Until next time, this has been your tour guide to the wonderful journey of Mother Oh MineA Beauty in the making, signing off. (TBH, still not convinced on the name, see you next year!)

04/11/17 - My CCR

It's currently 10:54 and my computer is telling me ITS GOING TO TAKE NINE HOURS TO UPLOAD?!?!?!?!?! I really don't know what to do, I pray it uploads before then.

Until next time, this has been your tour guide to the wonderful journey of Mother Oh MineA Beauty in the making, signing off.

04/11/17 - Movie Done

This was a super long, super painful, super emotional, super patience-testing, and super fun project. And I'm glad I got to work with my amazing friends on this project, and to be honest, as excited I am that it is over,  I'm kind of sad I won't spend another sleepless night with them huddled in lame office. Yeah they are my partners but more importantly they're my friends and I'm super glad I got to do this with them and grow closer. Here's to them, Ale and Bella.

Hope you enjoy. Movie

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTL4fumNhq4&feature=youtu.be (In case it doesn't work.)

Until next time, this has been your tour guide to the wonderful journey of Mother Oh MineA Beauty in the making, signing off.



Until next time, this has been your tour guide to the wonderful journey of Mother Oh MineA Beauty in the making, signing off.

04/11/17 - Almost Done

So I have a lot to say today because I hadn't been blogging as much as I would have liked but essentially we filmed all of her movie film the scenes with Isabella talking to the camera confessing her murder from the low angle so that we could give her that very scary dominant villain type of look I had her talk and a lover voice and with vocal fry because we figured that wouldn't make her sound more villainous and we also begin editing it all together we discussed having music in the video and ultimately chose not to because we felt that when we added the music  it made the scene seem less realistic it it detracted from the emotions we were trying to convey in the fear of your trying to instill so we left that out but what we did do was I change the white balance using After Effects so that the light would it make it look like the camera was focusing on our main character.  I am currently stitching everything together to make it clean and done and then I will continue on my CCR which I'm terrified of because I only have four minutes of speaking when I should be heading 12 or rather maxing out at 12 minutes.

Until next time, this has been your tour guide to the wonderful journey of Mother Oh MineA Beauty in the making, signing off.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

04/09/17 - Forgot something

I also forgot to mention that we have been stressing the heck out because we unfortunately can not seem to stick to a plan. We really should have started this earlier.

Until next time, this has been your tour guide to the wonderful journey of Mother Oh MineA Beauty in the making, signing off.

04/09/17 - Changing Our Minds Again

So we decided to change our minds again and we went with a new idea about a girl who kills her mother. It's still in the thriller category so we seem good. Isabella will play the main character and I will edit.

Until next time, this has been your tour guide to the wonderful journey of Mother Oh MineA Beauty in the making, signing off.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

04/08/17 - Getting Serious

Today, our group got together and we discussed what we should do with our project, I had already started editing the scenes with Gabriel and Gabi, but we ultimately decided it was best to start over because Gabe was leaving and we couldn't film the rest of the scenes without him. Instead we got Ana Stalhuth to come and we began filming for a new idea about this very religious family who hates homosexuals, it's supposed to be a very serious, horror type, possibly cult like movie.

Until next time, this has been your tour guide to the wonderful journey of Red in the Face, A Beauty in the making, signing off.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

04/02/17 - Accomplishing Nothing Today

We accomplished nothing today.
On top of that, everything I had edited in sequence on iMovie (After Effects trial ended, huge bummer) was lost due to the fact that my computer froze so I had to reset it. To be honest, I'm not super fond of all of the shots. Some seem shaky, and/or off.

Until next time, this has been your tour guide to the wonderful journey of Red in the FaceA Beauty in the making, signing off.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

04/01/16 - Filming

Today we filmed a whole bunch, we had this really nice girl Gabriela I believe?, Ale's friend, and Gabe, my friend as the main characters for our story.
We filmed the montage, and the heaven sequence but we still need the parts where Gabe wakes up on the road, crashes and when he wakes up in the hospital.

Until next time, this has been your tour guide to the wonderful journey of Red in the Face, A Beauty in the making, signing off.